In half a dozen words, he had explained the bond that linked them 他用了六七个字就解释清楚了他们之间的关系。
He sat behind a table on which were half a dozen files. 他坐在一张放有6个文件夹的桌子后面。
A boy herded half a dozen camels down towards the water trough. 一个男孩赶着6头骆驼朝饮水槽走去。
His hair sticks up in half a dozen directions. 他的头发胡乱支棱着。
If popularization remains at the same level for ever, won't the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other? 如果普及工作永远停留在一个水平上,那么教育者和被教育者岂不都是半斤八两?
He had come half a dozen times to call upon his sister. 他曾来过五六次看他的姐姐。
And the half dozen canoes beached like bright fish along the grassy shore of the lake. 还有五、六只独木舟停泊在碧绿的湖边,象一尾尾闪闪发光的鱼。
The police have pulled in a half dozen people whom they suspect. 警方已逮捕六个他们怀疑的人。
I had two American friends doing their PhD research at a university in Sichuan Province during the early 1980s, who as it happened were among a half dozen or so Americans also doing research there at the time. 80年代初,我有两位美国朋友在四川一所大学搞博士研究,同样在当地做研究的美国人大概有六、七位。
So as a practical joke, they purchased a half dozen rabbits from an agricultural research center in Haidian District, along with a dozen heads of lettuce. 为了搞恶作剧,他们从海淀区的一家农业研究所购买了六只兔子和十几颗圆白菜。
Depending on market conditions, German underwriters expect an additional half dozen to list on the main board next year, too. 德国的承销商预计,根据市场状况,明年可能还会有六家左右的中国公司在德国主板上市。
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. 女士牵着小男子的手走进了商店,她让店员取来半打棉袜给小男孩。
IBM has one clear solution and virtualization strategy, PowerVM, rather than a half dozen partitioning and virtualization elements. IBM拥有一种明确的解决方案和虚拟化战略PowerVM,而不是6种分区和虚拟化元素。
VW Golf, the European version of the Passat, and the Audi A3 are among the more than half dozen car models based on MQB. 大众高尔夫、欧版帕萨特和奥迪A3,就是基于MQB平台打造的多款车型的代表作。
Alibaba has lined up half dozen of the world's biggest banks to help place its shares, and money managers and small investors are expected to size up the company, which is familiar to many in the Western world more by reputation than firsthand experience. 阿里巴巴已聘请全球最大的六家投行负责打理上市事宜,预计基金经理和小型投资者也将仔细考察这家公司。许多西方投资者更多是通过阿里巴巴的声望而非第一手经验熟悉这家公司的。
The emergence of a half dozen leaders in education provided the personal force that was needed. 六位教育界领导者的出现保证了所需的人力因素。
According to American website TMZ the wedding was attended by only a half dozen people. 据美国一家TMZ网站称,婚礼仪式只有6个人参加。
For the half dozen large Chinese steel mills, analysts believe there should be little difficulty passing more price increases on to customers because their products are of much higher quality than the rest of the industry. 分析师认为,对于中国国内的6家大型钢铁制造商而言,将价格上涨转嫁到消费者身上应该不难,因为与行业内的其它厂商相比,它们的产品质量要好得多。
According to Andy Pazder, the Tour's senior vice president of tournament administration, this is the first year of the opt out provision and only about "a half dozen" players have used it. 美巡赛竞赛部副总裁安迪-帕泽德尔说,这是提供不参赛特权的第一年,仅仅只有半打选手使用这项权利。
Yet after a half dozen supranational attempts to instil order within the sovereign nations of the EU, the markets are clearly not listening. 虽然欧盟实施了多项超出国家范畴的举措,试图帮助其内部主权国家恢复秩序,但市场显然并不理会。
He was an odd bird. I only saw him about a half dozen times. 他是一个古怪的人,我只见他过五六次。
No one, however well-armed or trained, can defeat a half dozen Nightkin. 没人能击败那么多隐形人,就算你有再好的装备也是一样不行。
Learn at least a half dozen programming languages. 至少学会六门编程语言。
A half dozen others continue to fight, including the Karen National Union and Shan State Army-South. 但有半打的武装组织继续战斗,其中包括克伦民族联盟和南掸邦军。
In a2007 study in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, researchers pooled and analyzed the results of a half dozen clinical trials looking at the effects of caffeine on asthmatics. 科克伦系统评价数据库于2007年收录的一份研究报告显示,研究人员曾集中分析了六例临床实验病例,以观察***对哮喘的疗效。
I have, of my sixty teachers, a scant half dozen who can not have been supplanted by phonograph. 我的六十位老师之中,不可能以留声机来取代的,我看不到半打。
I stood in the light of my desk lamp staring at the half dozen or so unanswered letters that lay in an untidy pile, and felt reassured by them. 我站在台灯的灯光下,盯着差不多半打杂乱堆积、尚未回复的信件,感觉自己终因它们而放下心来。
There will likely be a half dozen modules for the various islands and another for the High Seas sailing system that ties them all together. 可能要为各种岛屿设计6个模组,为公海航行系统设计另外6个,并让它们关联到一起。
But the half dozen potential members of such a union mostly had political and economic institutions sufficiently robust to handle the consequences. 但这样一个联盟的多个潜在成员国都拥有足够强大的政治和经济制度,以应对相应后果。
Some half dozen men, standing on the corner, flung taunts and jeers after the speeding car. 站在拐角处的五六个人,冲着疾驶而过的电车,发出一阵辱骂和嘲笑声。